Dr. Werner Krause


Political Scientist.
Research on Comparative Politics, (Radical) Political Parties, and Political Behavior. Passion for Quantitative Methods, Causal Inference, and R.


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I am a political scientist at the Chair of Comparative Politics of the University of Potsdam, where I teach classes on comparative politics, political behavior, and research methods. Previously, I worked as a research fellow at the University of Vienna, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. I was also a visiting scholar at the University of Essex.

My research areas include political representation, party competition, political radicalism/extremism, and quantitative methods with a focus on causal inference. In my current research projects, I study political phenomena such as democratic responsiveness, political violence, and citizens’ voting behavior.

My work has been published in different academic journals, like the Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, the British Journal of Political Science, the European Journal of Political Research or Political Science Research and Methods. I contributed chapters to books published by Cambridge University Press and Springer VS. Click here for a list of my publications.

My research on the rise of the far right in Europe and Germany has been awarded with the James Caporaso Award for the best paper published in Comparative Political Studies, the Representation Best Paper Prize (Honorable Mention), and the WZB Best Paper Award.

My work and the projects I contributed to have been covered in various media outlets, such as Deutschlandfunk, Der Standard, El País, Haaretz, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz. Die Tageszeitung, The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. Click here for an overview of my media appearances.

Currently, I am a principal investigator in the DFG funded project Powerful Polls? The Influence of Public Opinion Polls on Elections in Representative Democracies and the WZB funded data project Political Parties, Presidents, Elections, and Governments (PPEG). In the past, I was part of the project Manifesto Research on Political Representation (MARPOR) and contributed to the Issue Competition Comparative Project (ICCP).

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